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Head to the Hub

Head to the Hub

With its CCTV surveillance and swipe card entry system MediaCityUK’s exciting new Cycle Hub gives cyclists 24/7 peace of mind. 

The innovatively designed Cycle Hub is conveniently located between Orange Tower, home to ITV and The Greenhouse and in close proximity to the BBC’s Dock House.

What’s to love?

  • 300 secure covered cycle parking spaces available 24 hours a day
  • A mixed range of cycling stands
  • Male and female showers, toilets and changing facilities
  • CCTV/swipe card entry

How much does it cost?

There are two levels of membership that you can benefit from:

  • PREMIUM - Annual £200 / Monthly £20 - gives you access to the cycle parking, showers, changing facilities and a personal locker.
  • STANDARD - Annual £100 / Monthly £10 - gives you access to the cycle parking.

Both packages also gives you access to a growing network of district cycle hubs, which are already open in Rochdale, Bury and Ashton-under-Lyne with more locations to follow.

For more information visit the website or download the flyer.