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Save Money

The combination of MediaCityUK’s stunning waterfront location and its largely traffic free roads, pathways and picturesque squares, makes it a great place to explore by foot or bike.

Already, more than half of MediaCityUK’s employees have been inspired to ditch the car and find alternative ways to travel to work and are saving money, getting fitter and doing their bit for the environment at the same time. 

Pay-as-you-go travel

For those that live and work within MediaCityUK there is little need to run up high costs by owning a car. The on-site Enterprise Car Club makes it easy to access a vehicle on the ad hoc occasions that you need to travel further afield.  

If you travel less than 8,000 miles a year then permanently parking your car in favour of pay-as-you-go car travel will save you  thousands of pounds. Click here for more information.

Mix and match

Depending on your circumstances and even with the best intentions it’s not always convenient to totally discard your car in favour of other greener modes of transport.

It’s worth considering that you can save hundreds of pounds on your commuting bill by getting out of your car or off the bus or tram earlier and walking the rest of the way.

Lose pounds by pedalling

As well as the obvious health benefits, you will also save a significant amount of money by cycling to work.

Check out the cycle to work calculator to see how much you can save after investing in a decent bike and gear. 

Save money on public transport 

If you regularly use public transport you will make huge savings in the long run and depending on how frequently you use bus, trains and trams, you will save more through season tickets, Day Saver tickets and System One Travelcards.

If you are combining bus, train or tram journeys Day Saver tickets are an option while System One tickets are accepted by every bus operator in the Greater Manchester System One Travel Network.

If you are under 16, a student or young person over 16, over 60 or have a disability and have a permanent home address in Greater Manchester you will be entitled to concessionary fares or even free travel in some cases. TfGM can help you get the right pass for your needs.

Click here for more details.

Share and save 

A simple and sociable way to reduce your fuel and parking bills is to share your car journeys with friends or colleagues. Click here to get started.