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Corporate Offer - Cycle Hub

Greater Manchester Marathon - Temporary Road Closures

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The Greater Manchester Marathon takes place on Sunday 2 April, meaning roads in Trafford will be temporarily closed to traffic as they become part of the course.

Roads will be closed and reopened at different times during the day, with the earliest and latest closures near Old Trafford and on Bridgewater Way from around 6am to around 5pm.

The closures will mean all traffic has to find alternative routes and the event itself is likely to make public transport busier than usual.

Bus services will be significantly affected by the road closures, with services diverted around the road closures.

Journey times are likely to take longer so you should plan ahead if you are taking part in, spectating or avoiding the event.

Please visit our Greater Manchester Marathon page to help keep you moving and minimise the impact on your travel plans.