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Corporate Offer - Cycle Hub

Notification of Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders (TTROs) and bus service changes from 19 June

Guest User

Dear Recipient,

We recently wrote to you regarding the upcoming construction works to build the six stop Trafford Park Metrolink Extension between Pomona and intu Trafford Centre. This route will offer fast, frequent connections to jobs, leisure, shopping and cultural destinations and across the wider Metrolink network.

In the last letter we informed you that in order to facilitate the construction work there would be major, temporary changes affecting traffic along the route. They are being introduced in three main phases, the first of which started 8th May and the second is currently in place.

As part of the enabling works for the third phase we are constructing a new signalised junction at Waterside/Wharfside Way. Which will provide another route through from Trafford Wharf Road onto Wharfside Way. To complete these works, there will be overnight closures of Wharfside Way from John Gilbert Way to Sir Alex Ferguson Way starting Thursday 7 June for approximately 2 weeks. The works will be undertaken between 2000hrs and 0600hrs. Additionally, there will also be waiting restrictions introduced on Waterside to ensure the new link road does not get obstructed by parked vehicles.  The waiting restrictions are initially subject to a temporary order but will remain in force until the permanent ones provided for in the Transport and Works Act Order come into force. Attached is a Notice of intent for the introduction of these TTROs.

Following the completion of these works the third phase of new traffic management will be implemented from Monday 19 June. The closures and changes to the local highways and footways from this date are as follows:

- Temporary “one-way” on Trafford Wharf Road eastbound from Warren Bruce Road to Sir Alex Ferguson Way

- Temporary “one-way” on Village Way eastbound from Parkway Circle to Village Circle

- From Village Way in a southerly direction for 50 metres Second Avenue, Third Avenue, Fifth Avenue, Central Park Trading Estate Access Road (Mosley Road) and Praed Road will be closed *

- From Trafford Wharf Road in a southerly direction for 50 meters Warren Bruce Road, Elevator Road and Waterside will be closed *

* It is anticipated, that wherever possible, at least one of the roads listed above will remain open when others are temporarilly closed to facilitate local access. Local traffic diversion signing will be placed on site and maintained to identify these routes and stakeholders will be updated in advance of any temporary closures being implemented

Many of the temporary changes will remain in place for approximately three years.

Further information

As a result of the one way on Village Way and Trafford Wharf Road there will be changes to existing bus routes in Trafford Park.

The changes are highlighted on the map which can be accessed by clicking here.

Yours faithfully,

Steve Burns
Metrolink Stakeholder and Communications Manager, Metrolink Projects
Transport for Greater Manchester