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Corporate Offer - Cycle Hub

Notification of Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders (TTROs) in Trafford Park and 19 June Reminder

Guest User

Dear Recipient,

As you will know The Transport for Greater Manchester (Light Rapid Transit System) (Trafford Park Extension) Order 2016 (The Order) came into force on 24th November 2016. This Order gives Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) the legal powers to build and operate the new Trafford Park Metrolink Extension between Pomona and the Trafford Centre.

The Order gives TfGM the legal powers to make the permanent Traffic Regulation Orders any Temporary Stopping Ups identified in The Order.

Please click here to see a Notice relating to the introduction of permanent Traffic Regulation Orders for a Prohibition of Driving on Wharf End and One-Way traffic on a length of Waterside.  The Notice also relates to the Temporary Stopping Up of the footpath, situated immediately to the east of the Imperial War Museum, linking Trafford Wharf Road with the footpath on the south side of the Manchester Ship Canal.

Plans are included that show the effects of the Orders and the diversion route for pedestrian and cycles affected by the Temporary Stopping Up.

The effects of the Permanent TROs will come into force and be enforceable from the 19th June 2017. The Temporary Stopping Up will come into force on 22nd June and will be in force for approximately 3 months.

Please can I remind you that next week, Monday 19 June, Village Way and Trafford Wharf Road will become temporarily one-way eastbound (i.e. towards Manchester city centre).

A map showing the closures, which will be in place for approximately three years through construction work, can be found by clicking here. Diversion routes will be clearly signposted and local bus services will be re-routed. A map showing the changes to bus services, can also be found by clicking here.

Further closures of adjoining side roads to Village Way and Trafford Wharf Road will also be necessary at times and more information will be available as the works proceed.

Kind Regards,

Bethan Stanway
Communications Officer

Transport for Greater Manchester