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Corporate Offer - Cycle Hub

Well-rehearsed travel plans in place for the Parklife weekend festival

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Up to 75,000 fans are expected to attend the festival on both Saturday 10 and Sunday 11 June.

In partnership with the event organisers, TfGM have once again made available an advance purchase ticket for travel to and from the event.

The Parklife Travel Pass allows travel by both Metrolink and a dedicated Parklife Express shuttle bus service for just £5 a day or £10 for the entire weekend.

Travel Passes are on sale now at and customers are advised to buy in advance to speed up their journey and as prices will increase on the day of the event. As successfully operated previously, Metrolink will also run an extended service on the Bury line to help get customers to and from the event.

Large numbers of festival goers are expected to use the tram network and to facilitate a safe and quick exit after the concert the Heaton Park stop will close from 9pm and customers will instead be directed to nearby Bowker Vale. Customers can keep up-to-date by visiting for more information.

Travel information and advice is now available here.

John Fryer, TfGM’s Transport and Event Planning Lead said: “The return of Parklife to Heaton Park marks the third busy weekend in a row for Greater Manchester.  Like the previous two, we have put a number of transport plans in place to help keep Manchester moving.

“We have successfully provided transport for Parklife for a number of years and we want everyone going to the event to have a fantastic time, but to also remind them to plan ahead, allow extra time and consider public transport options.

“They’ll be extra trams and buses operating throughout the weekend and we will have lots of staff available to help and assist customers.

“In light of recent tragic events we are also asking all customers to remain vigilant and report any suspicious behaviour to the police or transport staff. Our transport plans have been developed in collaboration with Greater Manchester Police and other partners.”

For information on public transport across Greater Manchester visit, call 0161 244 1000 (7am-8pm, Monday to Friday, and 8am-8pm at weekends and bank holidays) or follow @OfficialTfGM on Twitter.