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Corporate Offer - Cycle Hub

Salford Cycle Forum - September 2017

Guest User

The next forum will be held at The Landing, Blue, MediaCityUK, M50 2ST.

(for directions). Please come into the main Landing reception and they will be able to direct you to the Small Conference Suite.

The meeting starts at 6pm on Thursday 7th September and will include a demonstration of the new Mobike cycle share scheme.

Cycle parking is available outside the building or near the Piazza at MediaCityUK.

If anyone has any suggestions for agenda items, please let me know. We would be particularly interested in hearing from cycling groups or activities across Salford, or ideas about new projects.

Finally, please see the link below about a new residential cycle parking scheme we are piloting in Salford. If you would be interested in participating in the scheme, or have suggestions for bike hangar locations, please register here

If you need any more information, please let me know.

Many thanks,


Rose Featherby

Sustainable Transport Coordinator

I work Monday to Thursday

Infrastructure Team

Salford City Council

Swinton Civic Centre, Chorley Road, Swinton, M27 5AW

Tel: 0161 779 4861

E-mail: or
