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Corporate Offer - Cycle Hub

Upcoming Metrolink Trafford Park Line work - UPDATE

Guest User

Dear Recipient,

Following on from our update on Friday, we would like to advise you of a change to the following work:

Village Way – There will be an overnight closure of Village Way from Parkway Circle to Mosley Road. The closure will start on Saturday 26th August from 10pm until 10am Sunday 27th August (or until the completion of the gas pipe testing work). UPDATE: Due to unforeseen delays, this work will now be postponed. A new date for the work will be communicated in due course and Village Way will be open as usual (one way, eastbound from Parkway Circle to Village Circle). We apologise for any confusion or inconvenience caused.

Ashbridge – There will be an overnight closure of Ashbridge from a point 150 metres east of its junction with Tenax Road to the end of the cul-de-sac. The closure will start on Saturday 26th August from 10pm until 10am (or until the completion of the gas pipe diversion work). UPDATE: Due to the postponement of work above, the overnight closure of Ashbridge is no longer required. We apologise for any inconvenience.

If you have any questions or queries regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact a member of our team at or call us on 0161 244 1555 (lines open during office hours).

Kind Regards,

Karen Aldcroft,
Public Liaison Officer, Metrolink Projects.
Transport for Greater Manchester,
2, Piccadilly Place, Manchester,M1 3BG.
Information Line: 0161 244 1555 Direct Line 0161 244 1417