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Corporate Offer - Cycle Hub

Salford Cycling Forum

Guest User


Please find attached notes (click here) from the last cycle forum and an agenda (click here) for the upcoming meeting on Thursday 7th September. Please note the change of venue – we will be holding the meeting at The Landing in MediaCityUK instead of Swinton Civic Centre.

The address is The Landing, Blue, MediaCityUK, M50 2ST. The meeting starts at 6pm and will include a demonstration of the new Mobike cycle share scheme. Cycle parking is available outside the building or on the Piazza at MediaCity. for directions.

Please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any queries in advance. I look forward to seeing you there,

Kind regards,



Rose Featherby

Sustainable Transport Coordinator

I work Monday to Thursday

Infrastructure Team

Salford City Council

Swinton Civic Centre, Chorley Road, Swinton, M27 5AW

Tel: 0161 779 4861

E-mail: or
