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Corporate Offer - Cycle Hub

Metrolink: Trafford Park Line - Park Way lane reduction

Guest User

Dear Recipient,

We are writing to you to provide an update on some forthcoming work in the Parkway Circle area as part of the Metrolink Trafford Park Line scheme.

As part of our ongoing work programme in the Park Way area, we need to carry out permanent earth works to the northbound Park Way embankment area located either side of the Bridgewater Canal Bridge structure. This will require the reduction of the traffic running lanes on Park Way from two to one on the northbound carriageway towards Parkway Circle for a period of approx. 8 weeks from Sunday 21 January.

This will result in:

  • One lane only in operation towards Parkway Circle (Northbound) past the “pinch-point” at the Bridgewater Canal Bridge, near the Barton Dock Road slip road.

We appreciate this may cause some inconvenience but unfortunately due to the nature of this work, we are unable to operate two lanes whilst the essential earthworks and structural works are carried out for safety reasons. We will continue to monitor traffic management measures as we carry out the work and amend the works where practicable. Highway users may wish to seek alternative routes during this time or avoid peak travel times if possible.

All work is agreed in partnership with Trafford Council as the local highways authority.

If you have any questions or queries regarding the above, or feel you or your business would benefit from a meeting or information event, please do not hesitate to contact a member of our team at or call us on 0161 244 1555 (lines open during office hours).

Kind Regards


Samantha Wallace
Senior Communications Officer


Transport for Greater Manchester

2 Piccadilly Place, Manchester M1 3BG