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Corporate Offer - Cycle Hub

Cyclists, TfGM needs your help!

Guest User

Hi Everyone,

I am currently overseeing a project which involves creating an online bicycle user group for those that cycle, or would like to begin commuting by bike, to MediaCityUK. The objective is that all of the cycling information related to cycling to/from MediaCityUK and its environs will become centralised and the new website will be used to connect, promote and encourage bike users within MediaCityUK.

I’d like to meet / hear from those existing cyclists with a view to canvas opinion of what you would like to see on the proposed BUG to ensure that it serves the needs and expectations of the user group.

If this sounds like something with which you would like to get involved, I’d very much like to hear from you. Please let me know if there are any existing BUG meetings at your site, which I can then attend. I would be happy to come along and meet with any of you. As an additional aspect, there is an opportunity for those who are looking to start cycling, but would benefit from some extra support to feature as a case study on the BUG and become a role model for potential future cycle commuters.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Kind regards,

Faye Drinkwater
Active Travel Officer
Transport for Greater Manchester

2 Piccadilly Place, Manchester M1 3BG
Direct line 0161 244 1461 Extension 701461