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Corporate Offer - Cycle Hub

MediaCityUK – MCUKBUG invite for meeting

Guest User

MediaCityUK and TfGM are initiating an online bicycle user group (MCUKBUG) and we would love to hear from you for any involvement / ideas you might contribute in the setting up of this exciting development in the world of cycling at MediaCityUK. A group of us will be meeting at The Dockyard, Media City: Thursday 19th April from 5.30pm-6.30pm with the aim of discussing the shape of the BUG and its development. We can only do that with your involvement so in order that we can meet the needs of the users, please come along and get involved.

We’re passionate about cycling at TfGM and we’re sure some of you are too, so your input could make all the difference! Hope you can make it and look forward to seeing you then!

Invite image.jpg