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Corporate Offer - Cycle Hub

Scoot Fit at MediaCityUK

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MediaCityUK has announced they are joining forces with Scoot Fit to launch the first ever “Scoot Tours” available for the general public to have fun and take in local sights.

Scoot Fit are a professional scooting company whose aim is to get more people scooting, with an ultimate goal is scooting to be a popular mode of travel just like walking or cycling.

Scoot Fit already work in nurseries, schools, leisure centres, universities, workplaces and now MediaCityUK.

The “Scoot Tours” will involve participants moving at a leisurely pace around part of the canal walkway adjacent to the Piazza at MediaCityUK, stopping every few minutes to take on a skills challenge which will test each person’s ability and confidence level in scooting.

The tours are designed to be a fun activity and will either be a great introduction or a way of improving your confidence in scooting. 

Scoot Fit will show you:

·         The do’s and don’ts of scooting in a public place

·         How to improve your scooting techniques

·         How to be safe scooting.

If you are looking for a fun hour of activity with friends or family, come along and let’s scoot.

Hourly slots will be available from 11am to 4pm from the 1st August to the 27th August.  Maximum of 10 children allowed per scooting group with unlimited adults.  Children under 8 years old have to be accompanied by an adult; each adult can have two children under their care.

James Rodger, Director at Scoot Fit said: “Scooting is a brilliant group activity bringing people together in a fun, friendly and healthy way. Scooting is a great activity to save time, keep fit or connect with your children. Scooting is still very new, especially for adults, it isn’t recognised as a form of active travel yet so this will be a great way to get more adults scooting to enjoy the benefits.”

·         20 minute walk can be completed  in 7 minutes on a scooter

·         Burns 30% more calories than running or cycling and is an all over body workout

·         Safer than cycling as you scoot on the pavement and not on the road.

To book your place, click here.