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Motorists are 48% more likely to be involved in accidents after winter clock change

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Motorists are being encouraged to take care on the roads as the days get shorter and winter weather sets in.

As the days get shorter and the nights grow longer motorists across Greater Manchester are being reminded to take extra care on the region’s roads.

This Sunday (27 October) the clocks go back, and while many of us will welcome the extra hour in bed, the change isn’t quite so positive for motorists.

A recent study carried out by insurance company, Insure the Box, reveals that in the weeks that follow the winter clock change, motorists in the North of England are 48% more likely to be involved in an accident during the evening peak, 5pm to 8pm, with an 8% increase during the morning commute.

The evening commute figure for the North is significantly higher than the UK average of 36% for the same time period. Irrespective of time of day, there is a 14% increase in the number of road traffic accidents across the UK during the winter months.

Young drivers, aged between 17 and 25, generally have less experience on the roads and so they are more are likely to be involved in an accident than any other age group - especially when experiencing wintry driving conditions for the first time.

Peter Boulton, TfGM’s Head of Highways, said: “We’re all aware that driving at night is more hazardous during the winter months but it’s sometimes worth reminding motorists to be extra vigilant when driving after the clocks go back.

“The figures released by Insure the Box certainly bear this out and it’s a real eye opener when you consider the number of vehicles out on Greater Manchester’s road network.

“There’s plenty of things we can all do as motorists to help prevent collisions and breakdowns, ranging from avoiding unnecessary travel during peak times and watching our speed through to ensuring that our vehicles have good tyre tread and that oil levels are topped up.

“But the most important advice, as is evidenced through this data, is that everyone should just take extra care when driving at night especially given the reduced visibility and that vehicles are well maintained and able to deal with the winter weather.”

With a number of major events and highway improvement schemes set to get under way this winter, key routes are getting busier and will continue to do so as we head into 2020. Motorists are urged to take extra care on the roads and to plan their journeys before setting off.

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