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Corporate Offer - Cycle Hub

Salford's Emergency Active Travel Schemes

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A message from the Sustainable Transport Team at Salford City Council:

The Covid-19 pandemic has fundamentally changed the way that people are travelling across Greater Manchester. Public transport capacity has been severely reduced and walking and cycling have significantly increased. Recent data shows that one million cycling trips are now being made each week across Greater Manchester, an increase of 34% on pre lockdown levels.

As part of Greater Manchester’s response to the COVID-19 emergency, Salford City Council is introducing temporary and trial infrastructure to promote and encourage safe walking and cycling across the city for all residents. The city has seen a huge increase in cycling and walking during the coronavirus ‘lockdown’ and is keen to make sure it continues. There is also a strong desire to promote the safety of key workers.

Click on the link below to find out what schemes we have implemented, and to have your say on them.