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Corporate Offer - Cycle Hub

Easter & May Bank Holiday engineering work to affect city centre rail services and roads

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Customers using weekend and bank holiday train services that run to and from Manchester Victoria, Oxford Road and Piccadilly stations are warned to expect disruption between 13 April and 01 May.

A number of city centre roads will also be affected with journeys taking longer and bus diversions in operation.

Network Rail is connecting Manchester’s Victoria and Piccadilly stations with a new rail link – the Ordsall Chord.

Network Rail needs to take over the rail lines that serve Manchester’s city centre stations so they can safely and efficiently carry out the engineering work.

The work includes removing and replacing the bridge at Water Lane, strengthening the Castlefield viaduct, laying new track and realigning existing track, and adding overhead line equipment and signals.

Roads around where the rail work is taking place – Chapel Street, Yorkshire Street, Johnson Street, Browncross Street and Quay Street – will be affected by local diversions between 07 – 28 April.

Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) has created a special travel information page on its website to help keep people in Greater Manchester moving while the work is taking place:

TfGM’s Demand Management and Safer Travel Manager, John Fryer, said: “If you are using train services which run to or through Manchester Victoria, Oxford Road and Piccadilly stations, or travelling in the surrounding areas, you could be affected by Ordsall Chord engineering work.

“To help minimise disruption and ensure a smoother journey our advice is to plan ahead, be prepared, and think about all your travel choices.

“We strongly advise that people check the National Rail and Network Rail website for regular service updates and information.”