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Corporate Offer - Cycle Hub

Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) - in the vicinity of the junction of Village Way and Mosley Road

Guest User

Dear Recipient,

As you may know The Transport for Greater Manchester (Light Rapid Transit System) (Trafford Park Extension) Order 2016 (The Order) came into force on 24th November 2016. This Order gives Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) the legal powers to build and operate the new Trafford Park Metrolink Extension between Pomona and intu Trafford Centre. This new six stop route will offer fast, frequent connections to jobs, leisure, shopping and cultural destinations and across the wider tram network.

The Order has also given TfGM the legal powers to make any Temporary Traffic Regulation Orders (TTROs) required to facilitate the works. Whilst this process is usually undertaken by the Highway Authority, TfGM have, for administrative reasons, elected to undertake the process. However, please note that any TTROs made by TfGM are being made with the prior agreement of the Highway Authority – Trafford Council.

In order to facilitate major utility diversions required to build Metrolink it is necessary to introduce a temporary road closure of Mosley Road, from its junction with Village Way for a distance of 50 metres in a southerly direction, i.e. towards Westinghouse Road. Additionally, it will also be necessary to close the footway on the south side of Village Way between Mosley Road and the Central Park Trading Estate Access Road.

Please be assured that access to businesses on Mosley Road will be maintained during these works and that the closure of Mosley Road will only affect vehicular traffic.

Please find attached two Notices of intent for the introduction of these TTROs that will come into force on 8th May 2017. These restrictions may remain in force for approximately 3 years. However, should it be found possible to facilitate some access or egress movements into or out of Mosley Road or provide a pedestrian walkway along Village Way the traffic management will be amended accordingly.

Prior to these TTROs coming into force there is an Order that has been made by Trafford Council that will prohibit the left turn from Village Way eastbound into Mosley Road northbound. This restriction will come into force on 24th April 2017 and remain in force for a period of 2 weeks. Please note that this restriction will be lifted prior to the TfGM made Orders identified above coming into force.

Please see the links below to the plans that show all three of the restrictions and the diversion routes for traffic affected by them. There will be a diversion of bus services that use Mosley Road. Once details have been finalised we will update you.

Click here for 17-0621 Mosley Road closure April 2017

Click here for 17-0582 Mosley Road closure May 2017

Click here for TPL0003 PoD Notice

Click here for TPL0004 Notice - Village fw

TfGM will continue to engage with stakeholders along the route and will provide further information as we progress. In the meantime, if you have any queries regarding the powers under which these restrictions are being introduced or the Metrolink extensions in general, please do not hesitate to contact either me or a member of the Future Metrolink team on 0161 244 1555 (office hours) or email

Yours faithfully,

Steve Burns
Metrolink Stakeholder and Communications Manager, Metrolink Projects
Transport for Greater Manchester