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Corporate Offer - Cycle Hub

Passengers stepping on to Metrolink have been greeted by a special announcer today

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As part of BBC Music Day, local lad and Black Grape and Happy Monday’s frontman Shaun Ryder is providing stop information on services running between Piccadilly and MediaCityUK.

The announcements have proven extremely popular with commuters, with many taking to social media to talk about them. One user said: “Shaun Ryder tram announcements too funny” while another said “Shaun Ryder's voice this morning on the @MediaCityUK tram made me giggle! Well done @MCRMetrolink” – while others are even eagerly anticipating their journey home, with one person saying “Pure excited to get my @MCRMetrolink home with Shaun Ryder doing the announcements.”

You can listen to one of the announcements here.

A TfGM spokesperson, said: "We're delighted that Shaun Ryder has brought his indelible style to Metrolink as part of BBC Music Day.

"The reaction this morning has been absolutely great. And while we've had other famous announcers in the past, none have twisted our melons quite like this."

Other BBC Music Day ambassadors include Ozzy Osbourne, Miles Kane and Alfie Boe, who are all providing their own unique passenger announcements on the transport networks of their home towns.