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Corporate Offer - Cycle Hub

Transport network prepared for Manchester Day and Take That

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The annual Manchester Day event will feature a parade through the heart of the city beginning at 1pm, whilst the city centre squares will feature an array of performances, decorations and food and drink stalls from 12pm.

Up to 50,000 music fans are expected at the Etihad stadium on Sunday evening to watch Take That perform their re-scheduled tour date.

A number of measures have been put in place to help those travelling make their journeys as easy and as stress free as possible. The size and locations of the events mean that they’ll be some changes to public transport and local roads will be subject to closure and route diversions.

Travel information and advice is now available here.

TfGM’s Events and Operational Coordination Manager, Ryan Carter, said: “We are confident in our ability to manage these large scale events when presented with the challenge. We want everyone travelling into our city to have a great time, whether that’s attending these events or simply visiting the city

“We have extensive experience and have developed robust transport plans, technology and event knowledge to keep everyone moving.

“There will be extra capacity, additional staff and dedicated monitoring throughout the weekend.

“Of course we are expecting large numbers of customers to travel and our advice is to plan ahead, think about your travel options and allow extra time for journeys.”

For information on public transport across Greater Manchester visit, call 0161 244 1000 (7am-8pm, Monday to Friday, and 8am-8pm at weekends and bank holidays) or follow @OfficialTfGM on Twitter.